1What does ICEA Housing deal with?

Affordable real estate solutions for its members.

2Who is eligible to join ICEA Housing?

ICEA Insurance agents and employees, and members of the public.

3Who owns ICEA Housing?

ICEA Housing Cooperative is owned by its members who are also the shareholders.

4 How much does it cost to join ICEA Housing?

Registration fee of Ksh.5, 000 (public members) and Ksh2, 000(ICEA agents and employees) upon filling a membership form.

5 What is the minimum contribution per month?

The minimum contribution per month is Ksh5, 000.

6 Are ICEA Housing and ICEA Sacco one and the same?

ICEA Housing is a sister company to ICEA Sacco. They both operate independently.

7What project is ICEA Housing currently undertaking?

Maua Gardens Housing project located at Malaa.

8How long does it take for one to qualify for land property?

Members qualify for land property immediately they clear the payment of registration fee of Ksh5, 000 and share capital of Ksh124, 000.

9Can the society buy for an individual member a plot/property identified by the member?

The society buys property in bulk then subdivides it to ensure more members benefit. The society also finances individual projects identified by members upon qualification and thorough assessment and only for golden savers.

10Is share capital refundable /withdrawable?

Share capital is not refundable but it is transferable to a new or existing member.

11Where is ICEA Housing office located?

Nairobi West, Kodi 1 Road, Suite 24.

12How can I contact ICEA Housing?

You can contact us through: mobile number :0710-777-711

Email address:info@iceahousing.com
